Scared to Hope

Several months ago I read a book that talked a little about being scared to hope. (I’ve previously written about another nugget I learned from it here.)  When I was reading this book and I got to the part about hope, it actually resonated with a situation I was in the midst of.  I hadContinue reading “Scared to Hope”

Potty Training with Really Ugly Cats

When Abby turned two, we moved to a small island in the West Indies. We traded all that was familiar for something new. Although Abby was barely potty trained when we left, this transition to a completely new life meant that potty training  “came undone” as well. At that age, Abby loved cats and allContinue reading “Potty Training with Really Ugly Cats”

Island Life: My First Criminal Lineup

In our early days of marriage and parenting, Nathan and I packed up our two young children and moved to a small island in the West Indies to get Bible stories into a language that had no written verses of scripture. This is a story about that season of my life. You can read moreContinue reading “Island Life: My First Criminal Lineup”

Mom Confessions: Last night I snapped, and today I’m cleaning up the mess.

Last night I snapped. Big time. Nathan has been gone all week.  After school yesterday, I stayed busy taking care of all the things. I worked steadily all evening, but it was under control. Until it wasn’t. At 8:45 P.M.  I tucked the youngest into bed. I started on the pile of dirty dishes. I wonderedContinue reading “Mom Confessions: Last night I snapped, and today I’m cleaning up the mess.”